Posted: 2/25/2021 | February 25th, 2021

“That guy is buying six dozen eggs? and look at all that water!” I said, staring at a picture from a local grocery store on my friend’s phone. “I mean, it’s going to get cold and snow a bit, but this isn’t the apocalypse! I think this guy is going overboard.”

“Direita?” she said laughing, before going back to sipping her wine.

“Yeah, it’s not like the water is going to go off,” I said.

But it turned out it was the apocalypse — and the water was going to go off.

Having grown up in Boston, I’m used to snow. lots of it and for many months at a time. It doesn’t faze me. Over the last few years, as snow and cold weather have become more frequent, I’ve even got used to it down here in Texas.

But I know full well that the state can’t handle anything more than a light dusting. Forecasts of snowfall send people rushing out to the stores to stock up for Armageddon.

And then the snow comes, melts when it hits the ground, and we go on with our lives.

So I wasn’t too worried about the snow forecast on Valentine’s Day. I had stocked up on food a few days before and — since I’ll never forget how Hurricane Sandy in nyc showed me how unprepared I was for any disaster — I always have a little prepper kit in my house: bottled water, batteries, candles, flashlights, and other basic survival stuff. Not that I ever thought I would have to use it.

And so, as the snow fell that Sunday night, I confidently fell fast asleep.

I woke up to a different world.

Our rolling blackouts never rolled.

At first, that Monday felt like a “snow day.” On the ground were six inches of snow, an unheard-of amount here in Texas. but everyone was outside playing in it. kids were sledding. people were building snowmen.

Although we did not have power, parts of the city still did. and almost everyone had running water. having been advised that we would get our electricity back by Tuesday, no one in my area seemed too concerned.

Unable to work, I spent the day reading and cooking as much food on my gas stove as I could before it went bad in my dark refrigerator.

I went to bed that night only to wake up to an even worse situation. more of the city was losing power, pipes were starting to freeze, and the water system began to shut down. The cold continued, and there was no relief in sight. officials stopped giving estimates of when power and water would be restored. By Wednesday, the entire city was under a boil notice, as the treatment plant had also shut down.

Back in 2011, a crippling cold spell created a similar (though not as intense) situation. After that, a post-mortem was conducted. The recommendations included weatherizing power plants and making sure there was backup natural gas (most of the energy in this state is generated through natural gas, and power plants don’t often keep a backup supply). The state’s energy regulator, ERCOT, issued a set of voluntary rules also suggesting that power companies weatherize. It being optional, and this being Texas, they did not do that.

Fast-forward ten years later, and another cold snap took out the entire state’s grid. Power plants simply couldn’t function because they weren’t weatherized. As natural gas pipelines, nuclear cooling pools, and wind turbines froze, power generation kept falling. and we couldn’t get any from other states, because Texas isn’t connected to the national grid, in order to avoid federal regulations. and since there wasn’t any backup supply, there was no power.

As the cold worsened, more pipes froze and burst and more sections of Austin lost water.

Suddenly, that fun snow day turned into something more deadly. Where I live in east Austin, everyone who could do so evacuated to somewhere else. I went north to stay with a friend who had power and water and wait things out.

But by Wednesday, her water was off too. Luckily, we had filled as many bottles and pots as possible.

By Thursday, some of the power to my building had returned, and so I went back to my apartment.

By Friday, all my power was back and I had plenty of water, though I still had to boil water for drinking.

It wasn’t until the weekend that power was fully restored. By Monday, our boil notice had been lifted.

Now, life is back to normal. temperatures are back into the 70s and everything is open. grocery stores still have limited supplies, but for the most part, life moves on, and we’re dealing with the aftermath.

I count myself lucky. I had a place to go. I had food. My friends had places to go. I only had three easily fixable burst water pipes. A few friends had massive leaks, but we’re all safe.

But the same is not true for others.

The storm killed almost 60 people (though it will takes months to learn the true toll), created a humanitarian crisis, and caused billions of dollars of property damage.

The government of Texas failed its citizens. who knows if anything will befeito sobre isso? Cinco membros do conselho da ERCOT renunciaram. Haverá investigações. Nosso governador diz que haverá reforma.

Mas não tenho esperança. Ainda é o Texas e todas as pessoas no poder não desejam regulamentação. A energia eólica já está sendo falsa falsamente, apesar de produzir apenas 23% do poder do estado, e o ERCOT disse que teve desempenho acima das expectativas.

Talvez algumas pequenas mudanças sejam feitas. Talvez eles forcem as plantas a seroguarem agora. Pode ser.

Dito isto, as pessoas se uniram para ajudar estranhos.

Os vizinhos ajudaram os vizinhos. Hotéis, restaurantes e pessoas comuns abriram suas portas, oferecendo comida, água e abrigo. No Texas, as organizações se uniram para os necessitados. Milhões de dólares foram arrecadados para refeições gratuitas, água e mantimentos para as pessoas. As mídias sociais estavam em que há informações sobre para onde ir e lugares para obter refeições, água e suprimentos gratuitos. As linhas nos supermercados eram longas, mas moveram -se rapidamente. As pessoas eram ordenadas. Nenhum caos se seguiu.

Também passamos por isso com o apoio de nossos concidadãos de todo o país.

Foi uma semana surreal. Vai demorar um pouco para muitos neste estado reconstruir e reparar suas casas. Os custos serão enormes. Mas, por mais sombrio que fosse, passamos por isso juntos, e isso foi bastante emocionante.

Que eu esperançosa que o mundo não termine como Mad Max.

Mas eu me pergunto sobre o cara e suas seis caixas de ovos. Ele comeu todos eles quando a energia saiu?

E definitivamente vou mexer meus canos quando comprar uma casa ainda este ano!

Reserve sua viagem a Austin: Dicas e truques logísticos
Reserve seu voo
Use Skyscanner ou Momondo para encontrar um voo barato. Eles são meus dois mecanismos de pesquisa favoritos porque pesquisam sites e companhias aéreas em todo o mundo, para que você sempre saiba que nenhuma pedra é deixada sobre Comece com o Skyscanner primeiro, porque eles têm o maior alcance!

Reserve sua acomodação
Você pode reservar seu albergue com o Hostelworld, pois eles têm o maior inventário e as melhores ofertas. Se você quiser ficar em algum lugar que não seja um albergue, use o, pois eles consistentemente retornam as taxas mais baratas para casas de hóspedes e hotéis baratos.

Não se esqueça do seguro de viagem
O seguro de viagem o protegerá contra doenças, lesões, roubo e cancelamentos. É uma proteção abrangente, caso tudo dê errado. Eu nunca viajo sem ele, pois tive que usá -lo muitas vezes no passado. Minhas empresas favoritas que oferecem o melhor serviço e valor são:

Asa de segurança (para todos abaixo de 70)

Assegure minha viagem (para aqueles com mais de 70 anos)

MedJet (para cobertura adicional de repatriação)

Procurando as melhores empresas para economizar dinheiro?
Confira minha página de recursos para as melhores empresas usarem quando você viajar. Eu listo todos os que uso para economizar dinheiro quando estou na estrada. Eles vão economizar dinheiro quando você viajar também.

Quer mais informações sobre Austin?
Certifique -se de visitar nosso robusto guia de destino em Austin para obter ainda mais dicas de planejamento!

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